Fast Track

Fast Track
List: Ranger
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Tracking, Ranger Weapons
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the character to track an opponent at a jogging pace. It is still up to the marshal whether the tracking is successful or not and all the other rules for the Tracking skill apply. This skills improves the character’s chance to track their target, even if the target is using the Tracking Skill to cover their tracks.

Using this skill, the character can outpace another character who is using their Tracking skill to cover their tracks, thus allowing a greater chance for the character to catch their target. It does not make it any easier to detect concealed tracks. Also, a character using this skill will have a better chance of catching their target who is trying to get away by reaching them before the target can reach safety. This is all up to the marshal’s discretion.

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